Below are some testimonials made by our lecturers based on their teaching experiences in Zurich:


Professor Dr. Stephen Hayford
Professor of Dispute Resolution and Business Law
Indiana University – Kelley School of Business

“My just completed Negotiations and Conflict Management class was a most productive and rewarding experience. I found the ZEBS students to be intelligent, thoughtful, and most eager to learn. Our lively class discussions centered on the students’ professional lives, including their consulting projects, grounding the theoretical aspects of the Course in their workplaces. I look forward to my next ZEBS class.”


Michael Gebel
Managing Director BTI Business Training International

“Working with ZEBS was a very enriching experience. The students I taught there are very different to the “archetypal” academic student. They are practically minded, and focus on finding solutions, rather then dwelling on problems. The students continually apply themselves in every given task and situation. It is both a rewarding and enjoyable experience working with such a motivated group of people. ”


Ioannis V. Floros Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Finance, Iowa State University, USA
Teaching the course “Advanced Corporate Finance” has been a great opportunity for me to employ theoretical models in real case studies. Students show an impressive drive to learn and project classroom case studies onto their own business experiences. While analyzing case studies in class, we all realize how challenging it can become to apply theory in real business life. Definitely a very rewarding experience.


Mark Henny LLM MBA
Managing Partner Rhine Capital Partners AG
Lecturer Investment Management
Intelligence, enthusiasm and commitment of the students are indispensable components of a successful course. The ZEBS group scored very well on this account! Active participation in class contributed to a rewarding experience. Investment Management as a topic was relatively new to a group with strong backgrounds in engineering and economics, which meant that there was a lot to cover. They acquitted themselves admirably of all the material and cases studies. The group made the course a joy to teach.


Pam Stevens
Senior Lecturer in Organisational Behaviour
Nottingham Business School

“The experience of teaching the Organisational Behaviour topic at ZEBS was one which I thoroughly enjoyed.  Although there was a lot to cover, the students approached the topic with enthusiasm and energy.  They participated wholeheartedly in discussion and debate and I have no doubt that they will make a strong contribution to organisations that nurture and magnify the best in human beings.”